the toxic waste taste tester's chromatic candy: the grunge/garage killerness of The Birthday

[a repertory of media (mostly music) that i'd like to share and write a bit about] 「私のミーディアと音楽のブログです。そのことが、あげたいで、ちょっとアーティストについて書きます」

Sunday, February 11, 2007

the grunge/garage killerness of The Birthday

the birthday, featuring chiba yusuke, singer of thee michelle gun elephant (dead) and rosso (active). if you havent heard them, they're all superb grunge/ garage-rock bands with really cool, raspy vocals, foot-stomping drums, guitars that energize you, and head-nodding basslines.
Rollers Romantics - 2006

Night Line - 2007

Kiki the Pixy:

TMGE - The World Exposed-

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